Thursday, August 10, 2006

The World is Flat

The first chapter of The World is Flat was hard to get into. I kept thinking this is going to go somewhere, really. As I continued reading the book revealed some scary truths in our society. It's all things I knew were there but hadn't thought how it would affect our future. In our society so many people expect things to be given to them instead of earning them. Most of us haven't experienced a world outside of our own and when we do, we know what is waiting for us at home. Is our society (Littleton, Colorado) so protected and privileged that we don't challenge ourselves to our full potential. In thinking about teaching, I kept wondering HOW can I, as a teacher, challenge my students to challenge themselves? How can we see beyond Littleton, Colorado and out into the world when we haven't experienced it ourselves?
I want to push myself and my students to see the big picture, to see that we are all connected in some way, to see that world events do effect us even though we don't experience it immediately.
In Physical Education, a push the students to find physical activities they enjoy and would want to continue through their lifetime. Technology has brought us new and innovative ways to measure our heart rates and new machines to exercise on. The future will only bring more and I want to be able to share that with my students. Who knows, maybe one of them will create the next treadmill.


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