Take 5 - 9/17/2006
I experimented with asking students different questions at the beginning of class. Warm-up activities that were reflections of statements I had put on a PowerPoint. In Personal Survival, I had some statements about physical fitness and health and in Sports Medicine I had a couple case studies. I was trying different methods of asking relevant and meaningful questions figuring out what would work in a class blog. The students were very receptive to the ideas. The reflections my PS class had were GREAT! They really put some effort into the activity. I know many of you do this in class already but I usually do quick quizzes, games, etc. This was something new. I also tried something new in Sports Medicine in learning ligaments and tendons of the lower leg. I gave the students an outline of the anatomy I wanted them to find. We used the computer lab and some anatomy and sports medicine websites to find everything. I am thinking about expanding on this with a scavenger hunt when we get to the anatomy of the knee. I'll let you know how it goes.